In this month's issue of The Believer, self-proclaimed master palindromist Barry Duncan talks about the craft of making two ends meet. A fragment:
"...There was a point at which, Duncan half-jokes, he actually thought he might need to be hospitalized. 'I was thinking about reversibility all the time. And then it just became very natural for me.' And now? 'I'm just all the time doing it,' he says. 'I write hundreds [of palindromes] a day, probably.' Reverse is his default gear now, as made clear by his advice to would-be palindromists, who, Duncan says, should begin by reversing everything: 'Every word you see, every word you hear, every word you read, every word you write. And I'm not exaggerating when I say that, all day, and all night, that's what I'm doing.'" Read the full article.
And then something else. Paleontologist Jack Horner wants a pet dinosaur. He says he's going to achieve this by reverse-evolving a chicken. More on Wired.com.eyb eyb & cock a doodle doo